Scarlet Diva (2000)
It's what a film should do to you
1 November 2005 As far as first films go, this is stunning.

Jesus. And I thought "Irreversible" by Gaspar Noe was about the most hostile and brutal film I'd seen.

"Scarlet Diva" is disjointed yet beautiful in its purity of intent...but horrible in its truths. Like an omniscient eye it invades those private moments when you thought you were alone. Not perfect, but who can claim perfection in life, love or art anyhow?

In the DVD intro Asia says..."Don't be scared, don't be shocked...It saved my life and maybe it will make your life a little worse or better and you'll get to know me a little better or a little less."

It's what a film should do to you. Watch it with a good bottle of wine and an open mind and you'll be affected more than you might think. Buy it. Save it. Watch it again.
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