House of Wax (2005)
The Wax Drips
5 November 2005
The House of Wax is a blatant ripoff of the superior "Wrong Turn". A group of friends in two cars heading to a concert or something run into problems when one of the cars "blows" a fan belt. Two of the teens decide to go a get a new belt and catch a ride with this obviously weird freak. The others decide to go on to the concert, or something and then when they get stuck in traffic decide to go back to pick up the others. Again this movie is a rip off of "Wrong Turn" and it just flips around certain scenes and characters. This wouldn't be a problem seeing as "Wrong Turn" did the same in its script regarding other films but they made it work. This movie just had its characters doing the most stupid things and no one question themselves or the situations. First, who the heck would catch a ride with an obviously loco freak from the woods in this day and age. And when two of the teens arrive in the "Town" in the woods....why don't they question the fact that no one can be seen walking the streets or in any of the buildings although its filled with parked cars. And one that really blew my noggin is that after screaming at a mysterious truck that drives up and just sits there gawking at them and after busting its headlight which makes the truck drive away; the fact that they can go right to sleep and not think that this crazy loon wouldn't show up while they sleep and slice their throats didn't even enter their minds?....PLEASE!!!!!!!! Not even the hot Elisha, who incidentally is made to look frumpy and not too sexy, could save this slop. Paris Hilton is actually good and I found myself hoping she would survive the carnage. This could have been an OK entry but again the fact that the most idiotic things are done makes you just not care and roll your eyes. The cast looks good but sadly the script isn't...There is a deleted alternate beginning that they should have kept in the film....its actually very unnerving and the special effects are good...go see the museum of modern art instead....sheesh..
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