an awfully pure entertainment dedicated to teenyboppers
5 November 2005
This movie has really wasted two hours or so of my life, i was 17 when i accidentally watched this movie (the original one, not the extended (hell no!)version)and it was a GREAT insult to me that people categorized this as teenage movie.

The script sucks big time and i cant stop wondering why the hell people and by people i mean those Indian-Indonesian producers wasted great deal of money in making this oh-ever-so-shallow plot, (why? so they can fly over to Paris to buy some souvenirs in the meantime taking some few of totally unimportant scenes of a pair of gorgeous teenage idols with zilch acting skills). The story was incredibly shallow, not worth the effort to be made a movie

Yea, the acting SUCKS big time, the gorgeous girl with ever so cute and spoiled act, feeling sorry for the strict rules her parents gave her (well, yeah with those tank tops and tight skimpy outfits, how can they let you roam free on malls (and yet in the story they let you do it anyway, totally unsynchronized and unrealistic) especially in Indonesia?) and the gorgeous bod of the male actor who had his fame soared to the sky thanks to his previous appearance in Tusuk Jelangkung (in which, yes, thank god, he didn't have that many of lines so we can really love him for his bod, instead we love to hate him and his acting skill now)

This movie comes out purely from a teenybopper's imagination (no surprise since the story was based on a teen(ybopper) flick novel written by a 15 y.o. author.

and yes of course it had a really good income and fame (and awards, by teenybopper's choice of course), considering how average (teenybopper) Indonesian moviegoers like this kind of shallow entertainment with no moral message or anything.


1 out of 10, no buts
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