Shaun Of The Dead meets Story Of Ricky
7 November 2005
My husband brought this movie home the other day and I assumed it was going to be an all four on the floor bloodbath with tons of violence and gore. The first 5 minutes of the movie he couldn't get the subtitles to come up in English and I have never been so confused in my life. (The car hits a guy in a bear suit Why????) It took awhile for me to realize that this movie had a comedic silly side. It took me awhile to get into the mix of violence, adventure and goof-ball humor...but only about ten or fifteen minutes and then I found myself laughing and enjoying myself. The story is about a virus called Sars 4 that is going around turning people into zombies. While this is going on a group of not-too-bright bad-asses are trying to kidnap a wealthy man's nubile, school girl daughter. There is a hero-type who is in love with her and trying to get her back. There's also his wise old teacher and a sexy female doctor running around. I know, it's hard for me to explain the plot, because there is so much crammed into the hour and half here that you really must see it for yourself. If you like goofy martial arts revenge flicks like Story Of Ricky and silly zombie spoofs like Shaun Of The Dead this movie is Must See. I can honestly say it's not like anything else I've ever seen!
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