What a Dull, Slow-Moving and Pointless Film!
8 November 2005
I'm glad there are companies like NoShame that are resurrecting lost Italian genre films for DVD. I just wish these films would live up to their reputations! _A Whisper in the Dark_ is never even remotely scary and is, ultimately, a very slow-moving and rather pointless movie. It is not in the same league as films like Mario Bava's _Shock_ or _The Sixth Sense_, as another poster here has suggested. It doesn't even really have much to do with Henry James' _The Turn of the Screw_ or films based on that story. I kept waiting impatiently for something--ANYTHING--to happen and it never did. When the final credits rolled, I was thinking "is that it?" If you really want to see the movie for yourself, save your money and rent it from Netflix, as I did. Even then, you might regret taking up a space in your queue with this nonsense.
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