Let's make this film the success it deserves!
9 November 2005
There was a great outpouring of enthusiastic support from the audience at last night's invitational preview screening of this wonderfully enjoyable documentary. Of course many there, like me, had some connection to the subject, but any viewer with even a slight appreciation of the demanding art of dancing will be highly entertained by this film. See it and tell others about it, for I expect word-of-mouth referrals may be needed to bolster what may be lacking from a big studio publicity push. Each of these veteran dancers were gifted with an inner fire that inspired them to undergo the rigorous training, at a very early age, necessary to excel in such a demanding profession. Three of them, nicknamed "The baby ballerinas", were in their early teens when featured as stars. This fiery temperament is still evident in the lively and humorous interviews - eyes sparkle and hands gracefully gesture - the film is a treasure, and was made just in time, for they are leaving us, one by one.
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