A cracking 'film'
14 November 2005
I saw this very late one night when I was about 12 years old...I couldn't sleep so I watched this and it was so creepy I still couldn't sleep once it had finished! They say the boy is Lynch and his childhood experiences. To me, his Grandmother represented the love and security he craved and needed. Although she comforts him, her comfort is at times suffocating. I particularly remember that her huge chest smothers him and part of him hates her and fears her. He secretly hopes for her death and keeps putting mirrors over her face whilst she sleeps to check if she is still breathing. I'd recommend this to all Lynch fans and anyone who wants to see a sinister film which has little if no dialogue, no colour, no pure narrative, just mood, art and plenty of Lynch genius. I can't recall how it ends but having not seen the film for over 16 years I think that's fair enough. I would like to see it again though, if anyone knows how I can get hold of it..?
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