Just A Super Nice Film....What Else Can You Say?
18 November 2005
Here's another one of those old-fashioned movies in which people are all nice: no villains. It's a refreshing change of pace, once in a while, at least for me.

Sometimes it's relaxing just to just kick back with a story that just makes you feel good, doesn't upset you at any time. There are some touching scenes with some sadness in here, too, however, but the sincere story and great acting make you glad you watched it.

Robert Donat, as Mr. Chippings, is a pleasure to watch, particularly when he plays the character in his declining years. Greer Garson gets equal if not top billing, but that's not right. Her role is not that big in this picture.

Another nice feature you don't see much, at least in post-1960 films - all respectful kids in here, with manners. Nice adults, nice kids, nice story - probably too corny for most people of today in our cynical world. Too bad. Their loss.
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