Happy Endings (2005)
18 November 2005
This move is actually three little movies in one; it deals with three pretty unrelated family relations - so literally unrelated that they could be separated, re-edited and released as individual films. At first, already in the beginning of the film, seeing several people with large Christian crosses around their necks (one on which Jeezus hung on) and then meeting the child whose parents had to inform the people with the birthday cake that they can't sing "happy birthday" because it would make the child cry (as if saying that he's abnormal for having "two mommies" as we are informed in text,) seeing the homosexual guy masturbating to a security tape where a cleaning man is mopping the floor shirtless (as if to say that gay people are weirdoes) followed by a bunch of demeaning gay jokes, more Christian crosses, and the gay "freak" who has a REALLY hard time pooching this girl (which to "normal" people would be easier than screwing in a light bulb,) another gay guy referring to the relationship between a mother and her child as "a sick, sick bond" and the chick near the ending of the movie assuring a gay guy's dad that his son's homosexuality is a choice, I thought this film would turn out to be nothing but a Christian bullshit propaganda waste of time. It has its clever moments of comedy, fun puns, it proves at one point that lawyers talk while sanity walks, plus it isn't comparable to any run-in-the-mill teen Hollywood production, although it has a teenage reality-TV documentary feel, mainly lent from the not very professional directing and camera-work (but it's "hip" to make it that way these days, I know.) The way the making and presenting of the documentary which is being made in one of these three relations is being presented one assumes that the writer/director for this film is trying to say that documentaries are as (maybe even less) reliable than fictional movies - Kudrow is obviously supposed to appear "manipulated" or "bamboozled" while watching the finished product (watching it with a large Christian cross around her neck). Morality all the way ("this is what will happen if you..."), as is the referring to abortion as "ripping the baby out of me and flush it away" before signing the form supposed to make you think about how inexcusable it is to "MURDER people" by making an abortion on a sperm. Also, the text constantly telling us what happens to someone every now and then throughout the film, read, at the end of the film, about Max (the kid brought up by two mommies;" "Max turns out to be straight. This is a great blessing" - it's just very simple stupidity. But OK, entertaining movie if you have nothing else to do, good actors, blah blah blah, they should spend money making more of these, and so on...
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