Cleopatra 2525 (2000–2001)
In the words of Grandpa Simpson.... "Kill it! KILLL ITTT!!"
16 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Yuck! Where to begin. What drugged out imbecile thought this would be a great show? You get three women who run around in skimpy outfits, shooting lots of (predominantly male) bad-guys. They leap, they somersault, they shoot. And that's about your lot.

Oh! Did I fail to mention that the title character screams at any opportunity and for great lengths of time? Did I mention that it all grates on your nerves? Let's also not forget the badguy boss (or one of them, anyhow) who dresses up like Gene Simmonds on mescalin. And if you don't know who Gene Simmonds is, then you are definitely the right age group for this show.

It's just awful, awful trash. How could Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert come up with this abomination? You can't even enjoy it as farce because it's so diabolically bad.

And what's with the "everyone lives underground" nonsense? why is there a great big shaft through the middle of this underground realm? Why do we only see people jumping down the shaft, but never see anyone climbing up? Where did all the mutants come from? What the hell is going on?

Although only running to 30 mins, each show is anything but mercifully short. Now at least I know what the crew of the "Event Horizon" saw that caused them to gouge their eyes out!

Avoid this show like the bird flu....
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