The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957 TV Movie)
Color--Yes, Technicolor TV in 1957!
26 November 2005
I just wanted to correct the last reviewer. There were indeed color Televisions in 1957. In fact RCA introduced color TVs for the home in 1954. This TV movie was filmed in Technicolor and shown originally on NBC, a network that pioneered color (remember the Peacock?). It was made with every intent of its being seen in COLOR. Though I'm sure the producers wanted it to look good in b&w as well, it was a color film. And the colors in The Pied Piper '57 are no more garish than many other lesser-known Technicolor "extravaganzas." If producers back in those days were gonna pay for color, we by gum they was gonna use the hell out of it! Anyway, this is one weird ass film! Catch this and the Wizard of Oz double feature from Something Weird, and you've got some goooood Kid movie watchin'!
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