A Reverential Examination of an Extraordinary Life
27 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Documentaries are supposed to be recitations of fact, stripped of emotion and bias. Thankfully, the "Magical Life of Long Tack Sam" is a reverential and emotional examination of a fascinating man by a great-granddaughter who never knew him. This is a long-distance story of familial love; it doggedly transcends the mists of time that all too often obscure the life stories of the average man even from his own descendants.

Long Tack Sam, as he was known, should have ended up as the most obscure of the obscure -- a Chinese youth in a land riven with conflict, poverty and turmoil. But owing to his talent, drive, courage and a consuming entrepreneurial spirit, he became a world-renowned entertainer, parlaying the ancient Chinese acrobatic tradition into a magic act that toured the world.

Anne Marie Fleming reveals the history of an unusual family that, to her surprise, seems to have forgotten the great-grandfather they knew but she did not. She finds physical traces of Sam's legacy stored in museums around North America and in a cedar chest in Hawaii. One such artifact is a beautiful silk backdrop from his vaudeville days.

She also locates the spiritual remnants of her great grandfather in the memories of old magicians, vaudevillians and even a film clip paen to Sam delivered by none other than Hollywood's most famous prestidigitator, Orson Welles. With more irony than sadness, she notes that Sam is forgotten not only in Europe and America where he so frequently toured, but in China as well, noting that he incorporated so much of other cultures within his life that he perhaps became foreign to his own origins.

The family is strikingly interesting owing to its international character. Sam marries an Austrian woman and his children and grandchildren are spread throughout the world. (This during a time when Chinese were still treated poorly by most cultures and by officially repressed by immigration laws worldwide.) This cultural collision is deeply fascinating. We learn her great-uncle went to boarding school in England and Austria and is in a photograph standing behind Adolf Hitler during the Nazi leader's visit to his school. This fact would have undoubtedly disturbed the lunatic zealot of racial purity had he known it. This tradition of multiculturalism is an enduring factor in the life of this Sam's family: Director Ann Marie Fleming was born on Okinawa of Austrlian and Chinese heritage.

I never cease to be amazed at criticisms of films and documentaries by those who find a film "too long" or "boring." There is a difference between "reel" life and "real" life. Perhaps my own grandfather's accomplishments and zest for life against great odds makes me comprehend Fleming's appreciation of her forebear grandfather who understood the nature of drama and honed it to wow the public and carve out a modicum of success.

Comprehending Long Tack Sam's background, his narrow escape from a life of obscurity and poverty, his entrenched optimism, and his ability to bridge cultures while astutely producing a popular stage act, may be difficult for those addicted to special effects and the emotional manipulation of fictional contrivance. Life is more complicated, difficult and, ultimately interesting than anything Hollywood can conjure which is why documentaries can be so spellbinding.

Some who have criticized this documentary seem to believe Fleming is beating her own drum, or holding out her great-grandfather and her family as more interesting than they really are. What Fleming is doing, and we should be thankful she does so, is reminding all of us that we each have a fascinating history that should not be forgotten. This history is perhaps most important among our relatives who grew up in a time when a man had to wreck his body physically to make a living, or, in order to escape poverty, demonstrate extraordinary ability and courage to overcome stultifying physical and cultural boundaries. One cannot appreciate the Long Tack Sam's magical life unless one can grasp the circumstances of his times, which is part of Fleming's message.

The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam is a salutation to a remarkable family history driven by the accomplishments of a man who possessed courage and tenacity -- the true alchemic components of a "magical" life.
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