Just another one of those film-noir pappy shows..
4 December 2005
I rented this movie only because I wanted to see Caprice act.. Even though on her website.. She is a model/actress/TV Presenter/spokesmodel and the rest..

I was watching this movie.. I must admit, it was all getting good and then it all went stale.. You got 2 bank robbers (VINNIE JONES and BRAD RENFO) kipnapping some girl (BIANCA GUACCERO) as they take some place and leave her for ransom. They tell this guy (ANTONIO CUPO) to deliver them their money or his Sister dies.. Along the way, comes another girl (CAPRICE) who happens to get involved as well.. But later on..? Well, you do the maths..

I gotta hand it to you.. It's one of those sleazy type thrillers where you feel you're gonna get drawn to it. But then again.. you might bored with it. I got bored with it.. Somehow I didn't know where this film is taking the viewer.. It sounds there are parts of the film that I was really familiar with.. but it just keeps running out of steam at times..

I don't know how this director Franco Segatori was trying to do here.. But it seems he put a good cast in a down low dirty shame of a script. However, it wasn't really up to my satisfaction in the end..

Well, as for this Caprice gets a 7/10 for her acting.. The director gets 5/10 for his bit. The film gets a dismal 3/10

Not my cup of tea..!
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