Flashback (1990)
4 December 2005
Cold Hard Reality and a Gentle Freer Time, clash in this Gem and I wondered what happened to all the Hippies, did we really "Change the World"? Just sit back and watch, the end is well worth the wait! I did have a tear in my eye, about midway through when they are watching the "Home Movie" were we ever that young and "Free" no pun intended.

Moves along quite well even though it does seem a little silly in places, but when the credits roll this film will leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling.

The sound track is well chosen with a mix of old and new (for the 1990's) Even if we don't get to hear Dennis sing "MAMMY" LOL

Well acted and the casting was spot on.

And the "bus speech" is thought provoking! listen!

Watch it, Go on you know you want to? Colin
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