Review of The Roost

The Roost (2005)
Dear Lord... This was a movie?
6 December 2005
I was at the final day of the Horrorthon Festival in Dublin this year when I saw what was in my mind the worst film of all time. I always make an effort to stay until the end of a film to give it all the chances it can get. However, when I walked out of "The Roost", I felt completely certain that nothing that it could have done would have saved it from the train wreak that I had watched up to that point.

I am a huge fan of B-movie horror so it wasn't a case of me not getting the film... I got it... but it was the deep deep flaws that caused me to hate this film. The opening had potential, I liked the idea of the "old school" narrator and got a bit of a "Terrorvision"/"Fright Night" vibe from it. This is where my interest in the film stopped. The storyline was convoluted and had no actual purpose. The acting was some of the worst I have ever seen put onto film. I didn't give a damn what happened to the characters and if they had dropped dead at some point from some random disease, I would have left happy because I wouldn't have had another 30 minutes of my life taken from me. The direction in The Roost is laughable, the director must have literally just pointed at the actors and just said " just read the words on the page guys!". The editing is sloppy and sometimes continuity goes off to the land of Oz.

Having said this there was one redeemable feature to paying to see this film. I saw how not to make a film. Utterly terrible. Don't waste your time on this film unless you're some sort of masochist. I honest felt like getting a lobotomy to forget this film ever came near me. The stinker of Horror movies. Avoid at all costs.
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