Review of Aurora

Aurora (1998)
Walking in a desert
11 December 2005
I am normally supportive of Independent films, whether award winning or otherwise, but this film made me re-assess my loyalties. I appreciate low budgets can have detrimental affects to a film's production - whatever. This film is tedious! In no way does this film resemble 2001:Space Oddessy - or Red Planet for that matter. The closest experience to watching this film I could draw any similarities to, would be watching grass growing. The acting wasn't terrible (it wasn't good though!) and - yes, the special effects weren't really too good. The camera-work did at times go over the score a little. What really let this film down was the script and storyline. I'm sure it can't be easy to write a film, but whatever you could come up with could not be any worse than the 80 mins of drivel I was subjected to. What made the script-writer think anyone would want to watch this and actually be entertained by it? God only knows!
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