I laughed hysterically while watching this movie... for the wrong reasons.
9 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw Dragonworld 2. I'm sure it would be fine for a 2 year old with no knowledge of reality. I'm not talking about fantasy. I wouldn't criticize a movie because fantasy doesn't involve reality. I love fantasy, so when I saw the title Dragonworld 2 on Comcast On Demand, I selected it, and watched. A few friends were with me at the time. Instead of what I expected, I became entertained by the awful graphics and how some scenes made no sense. For instance, why does a dragon look like a bad version of Barney? Why does he run slower than an old man or a 8(?) year old boy? How can he catch up to a car going approx 40 miles per hour with a 20 minute head start? Why can't he fly? If he's to young or disabled, it made no comment of this in the movie.

One scene in particular I remember. As the old man and dark knight face each other, the knight gathers lightning in the sky. The knight, holding a METAL sword, and the old man, holding a WOODEN stick. The lightning stays, and for some strange reason, is attracted to the old mans wooden stick. If the knight causes this, the movie shows no signs of it.

Many more faults are inside this laughable movie, but I'm not going to mention them, for it would give away to much. I'm sure this movie is liked by a few 2 year old's, even if they did mistake the dragon for Barney's baby brother.
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