Amazing, just flat out amazing ...
15 December 2005
His delivery was excellent. His comedic timing was outstanding. What I really enjoyed about this comedy special was the manner in which the social commentary was mixed into the act. It wasn't limited to one specific topic or theme. He didn't just touched on a wide range of topics, he was able to combine these topics with other in a poignant, yet accessible manner: politics, relationships, race, poverty, crime, terrorism, darwinianism, economics etc. After watching this special, the material tends to with you, you are able to reflect back on it and say to yourself: "He is right, I would have never thought of it in that way". Many comedians seem to have a hook, they seem to rely on this hook to shape their act. Dave Chappelle just knows how to combine many elements to produce an interesting act. Dave Chappelle also has the ability, in my opinion, to build up to a climax in a extraordinary manner. I felt that started of slowing, kind of lulled into false sense of comedic direction, then totally shifted gears and changed direction at the same time. It wasn't just a random change of speed or direction. Be he did in a well-crafted manner. Like a really good song or movie. The ability to manage these transitions extremely well.
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