freedom =! independence
18 December 2005
As this movie said, the practice of Tibetan Buddhism is allowed nowadays as long as they do no harm to the authority of Chinese government. A number of Tibetans were beaten and tortured because they want independence. Do you think seeking independence is right of freedom under any political authority? There is no evidence to show that Tibetans are 2nd class citizen in Mainland China. Yes, a number of Tibetans were bad treated. The reason is they want independence.

Is/was Tibet an independent country? Please give us evidence before you simply say YES. No country in this world ever recognizes that Tibet is/was an independent country. This is the truth. Those who think Tibet was an independent country before 1951 need a history book. Yes, Tibetan and ethnic Han speak different language and have different customs. But it is very normal nowadays for different ethnic groups to live under a same political authority.

Chinese government did a lot of bad things to Tibetans. Not only Tibetans but also other ethnic groups (mainly Han race) need democracy and freedom under China's communism authority. Seeking independence do no good to this cause. Even Dalai Lama does not want independence of Tibet now.
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