WWE Backlash (2005 TV Special)
16 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Match 1: Intercontinental Title-Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. Chris Jericho-Entertaining. The match ends when Jericho goes for a Lionsault. Shelton tries to counter, but Jericho lands and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Shelton rolls him up for the win. 7/10 Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Shelton Benjamin by pinfall.

Match 2: Tag Team Turmoil for the World Tag Team Championship- William Regal and Tajiri (c) vs. Maven and Simon Dean, Hurricane and Rosey, La Resistance, and The Heart Throbs. Interesting match, as usual. La Resistance rolls up Regal and then grabs the tights. Then Hurricane and Rosey come in. La resistance tries to do their move, but Rosey throws them off. Hurricane climbs on top of Rosey and jumps off of him and lands on conway. 1-2-3. 7/10 Winners and new World Tag Team Champions: Hurricane and Rosey by pinfall

Match 3-Last Man Standing match-Edge vs. Chris Benoit-Last Man standing matches are always good. But 'tis not be overused. This all started at Wrestlemania, when Edge hit Benoit with a chair to win. Anyway, this was interesting. Benoit hits his German suplexes, then does one off of a ladder. He goes for the swan headbutt but misses. Edge does the edgecution onto the money in the bank briefcase. Benoit gets up but gets speared. He gets up but gets speared again. He gets up again and gets hit by a brick. It's over. Great Match 8.5/10 Winner: Edge by knockout

Match 4-Kane(with lita at ringside) vs. Viscera (with Trish stratus at ringside) This match didn't mean much, but Kane seemingly can't be in a horrible match. Viscera tries to kiss Lita, but Kane does a 500-pound chokeslam for the 1-2-3. After the match Trish yells at Viscera. He bearhugs her and jumps on her. EMT's rush to her aid. 5/10 Winner: Kane by pinfall

Match 5-HBK and Hulk Hogan vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari-Wasn't important, but great to see "the immortal one" in action. Match ends when Hogan tries to leg drop hassan, but he grabs hogans leg. HBK gives daivari sweet chin music and hogan covers. 6/10 Winners: HBK and Hulk Hogan

Christian does some rap. I'm gonna go get a coke.

Match 6-World Heavyweight Championship-Batista vs. Triple H-Interesting. Batista tries to clothesline HHH, but hits the ref. Trips hits the Pedigree but no ref. Batista gets up and gets a low-blow. HHH goes to the top-rope but Batista gets up and gives him a Batista Bomb off the top rope for the win. 7.5/10 Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion: Batista

Overall good 7/10
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