WWE Vengeance (2005 TV Special)
16 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Match 1 Intercontinental Title-CCC(c)vs. Shelton Benjamin-A good match because Carlito has charisma and Benjamin has in-ring ability. Match ends when Shelton misses a Stinger splash and Carlito rolls him up with tights for the win. 5/10 Winner by pinfall and still Intercontinental Champion:Carlito Match 2-Victoria vs. Christy-Christy is hot, Too bad she didn't win. She should have. Victoria wins w/ the ropes. 3/10 Winner by Pinfall:Victoria Match 3-Kane vs. Edge-This was a retarded match and the wrong man won. I love Kane but he shouldn't have won this. Match ends when Edge tries to spear Kane but hits Snitsky (who was down there for some reason) and Kane gets a chokeslam for the win. Stupid. 3/10 Winner by Pinfall:Kane Match 4-HBK vs. Kurt Angle-Excellent, pure wrestling contest. Match ends when Kurt jumps from the top rope but gets Sweet Chin Music! 1-2-3. 9/10 Winner by Pinfall: HBK Match 5-Triple Threat for the WWE Championship-John Cena (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian-Great Match. It ends when Cena lifts Christian up for the FU and swings him around. Christians legs hit Jericho in the face knocking him out of the ring. FU for the win. 8.5/10 Winner by Pinfall and still WWE Champion:John Cena Match 6-I loved this match. Highligts include a steel chair w/barbed wire and Sledgehammer shots. Late in the match, Triple H hit a low blow and a Pedigree. 1...2...NO! Holy Sh*t! Batista kicks out. Trips can't believe it either. He goes for another one on the steps but gets a Spinebuster and then a Batista Bomb. He literally falls on top of HHH for the win. 10/10 Winner by Pinfall and still World Heavyweight Champion:Batista

Overall 8/10 would have been higher if not for Edge/Kane and the womens match
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