"over-the-top" Greek exploitation!!!
20 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
i love these kinds of films. but for all the wrong reasons. why? i can't explain. but lovers of the bad movie genre (a genre definitely in the works)will understand. this film is actually pretty good in certain areas. the plot seems steady, some of the action sequences are quite gripping, particularly if you like raw film-making. and the actual "fist fighting" scenes are classic. these actors did not know one thing about how to throw a punch. their fighting abilities are clumsy at best. kinda like the legendary fight sequence in 'bridget jones diary" only in this movie i found myself laughing even harder because these actors (i think)were taking this very seriously. omiros efstratiadis' general direction in this film is better than most other entries i have seen of his. the actors do a reasonable job, but it does slip into that daytime melodrama type thing. but that's the directors fault. overall, "Diamonds on her naked Flesh" (the English translation)is an unbalanced film, but it still manages to deliver the goods for those of you who are into the bad movie genre. if you can find it, there's very little chance you'll find it with subtitles. there may be an English dubbed version, but the story is quite easy to follow if you don't understand Greek.
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