This film needs distribution - great education and good movie
23 December 2005
It's been years since I watched this. I've seen both the movie version and the TV series version. I cannot believe that this hasn't been released on DVD or any other format. Hrafn Gunnlaugsson is an underrated Icelandic director who is the ONLY one that has even come CLOSE to portraying anything that resembles authentic Viking culture and lifestyle. While the story of this movie is kind of similar to Romeo and Juliet - two very young lovers very much in love but deemed unfit for each other and doomed because of high politics - it still shows you what could be close to what culture was like in 11th century Scandinavia. YOu will get the shamans, the warriors, the Christian influence on Pagan culture, the strong family ties, and of course, the ruggedness of Vikings. Throw away any movies you might have that have Vikings in it and that might star Kirk Douglas, Antonio Banderas or Tim Robbins for that matter, and plead to someone that has any influence in the TV or movie industry in Scandinavia to release this so it will get accessible to the general public.
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