WMAC Masters (1995–1996)
Never got its due respect...
20 December 2005
As a former student of one of the "Masters", I was very disappointed to see the show dropped by Fox. Instead of watching stunt doubles in rubber suits fighting monsters in cardboard cities, WMAC took the stunt doubles and gave them personalities. Most of the characters were really based off of the actors' personas and nicknames. Add in some stories that were meant to inspire the good in young viewers (brothers helping one another, respect for others property, etc.) and this show was better than 90% of the drivel on Saturday mornings.

As the show was being shown, I had the opportunity to meet many of the stars and each of them really did care for young people. Here's hoping TV studios take some time and show respect to the families watching their shows instead of throwing the next violent and materialistic retread from Japan.
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