Don't take this movie too seriously, for heaven's sake...
4 January 2006
Like all Bollywood movies, this movie requires a little bit of suspension of disbelief.

"Dil Pe Mat Le, Yaar!" means "Don't Take It To Heart, For Heaven's Sake". "Yaar" is an exclamation used in Hindi similar to our "eh" or our saying "Geez" or worse.

The main characters' acting is superb, but the fact that this movie is still a musical and was produced in traditional formulaic Bollywood style is what hurts it.

The fact that people break out in song and that the premise of the movie is so banal ruin an otherwise excellent production.

Yes, some of the supporting cast is not up to the caliber of the main actors. Yes, it's a jumble of genres - musical, black comedy and dramatic tear jerker, but to have a project sold in Bollywood, one must follow certain formulae to please the masses.

The message of the movie is good, if rather inconsequential, but it's not a travesty or waste of money.

Take a look at the movie, and you'll be able to pick out the good from the bad. And for heaven's sake, don't take it too seriously.
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