Bad acting, predictable story.
6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this "rewiev" simple.

The plot about different people finding and helping each other is good enough, but it fails to deliver.

I liked the beginning of the movie. It gave me hopes for a good story. But after the initial slaughter and the escape of a few gi's it declined. You feel that u have seen this a thousand times before, you always knew what would happened next. At least a surprise or 2 would be nice. (The part where the "missonary" capture a German soldier that shows out to be an old pupil from Berlin was just plain silly).

Every time the soldiers where "bonding" it felt like a cliché, done a million times before. The actors are non-convincing. When the soldiers where talking it seldom felt natural, especially the British pilot was awful. It feels like they just want to get the scene done and go home.

The scenes portraying bad weather where laughable. It sounded stormy, but the trees around never moved. And the snow was falling straight to ground, not being forced by the wind that was supposed to be there.

This is one of the worst war-movies I have ever seen.
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