Mildly amusing sequel is better than what went before and perfect if you want something that won't tax you in anyway
6 January 2006
This is the sequel to Private Snuffy Smith and is better than what went before. The story picks up with Snuffy still in the army and in a shooting contest with Sgt Gatling. Gatling wins because Snuffy isn't allowed to use his squirrel gun. Gatling is then ordered to take Snuffy and some other men to the backwoods in order to protect the prototype of a new rocket that will help in the war effort. Once there Snuffy meets his cousin Barney Google who has a stake in the invention. Things get complicated when spies arrive to destroy the invention and steal the plans.

Based on the once popular comic strip the movie is step up from the previous film. Instead of several loosely connected parts (a real problem in the first movie) the film has one story from beginning to end, so it has time to actually build up situations and characters that can produce laughs. By no means a great film, this film is amusing and by the end does manage to produce a few laughs, and while they are not belly laughs they are laughs none the less (something Private Snuffy Smith never managed). The humor and the plot are pretty much by the book and you'll know where its going well before the characters do but if you're in a really forgiving mood it won't matter much.

I'm on the fence about recommending this film. Its okay- just okay. Certainly there are better ways of spending your time and money, but if you stumble across it and want something that won't clog the recesses of your brain with anything what so ever I'd give it a try, especially if you like hillbilly humor.
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