Didn't like it as a kid...still don't!
7 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly due to its being shown seemingly every other Saturday afternoon when I was a kid in the early 70's, I was hugely burned-out on this movie at an early age. I guess it was the let down of expecting this movie to be more "The Thing" or "Earth Vs. the Flying Saucers" than what it was.

Let me not diminish Harryhausen's contributions, but they seemed a bit under-whelming here, perhaps due to them being used sparingly.

But my main beef with this film is this: I didn't care a scintilla for any of the main characters! We have a nutty professor, a woman who's "marry me, or else" attitude is nauseating and and our "hero", a meandering playwright, investor (gambler?), squatter...who knows what else? I didn't care if these people made it to or off the moon or not. Let the bugs have at 'em.

This movie is not a thriller, not moody or atmospheric, just silly and uninteresting. Again, this opinion is largely due to this movie popping up in the TV Guide too many times for my liking 35 years ago, taking up valuable viewing opportunities for "Frankenstein" or "The Invisible Man."
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