worst of the trilogy
7 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely the worst of the 3 latest Mosura movies. The trilogy always went downhill. This time we have SFX that are not even worth mentioning, in comparison with the first 2 and in general. It is a 1998 movie but its SFX would look shallow even in 1978. The budget is VERY low and it shows. they try to cope with computer graphics, but can't go further than some mom&pop homemade holiday video. To give a clue, the scenes with dinosaurs look so terrible they make such 1970's show as Megaloman ( the lowest budget Tsuburaya )& I-Zenborg (another Tsuburaya production ) especially look like star wars III or Terminator II. I am disappointed i can't like this movie much, but alas i saw what i saw. They continue to trek the Disney path and to offer more children-oriented plot & subplots, thus borrowing from the Gamera franchise. This time the miniature witch Belvera turns to a good character & fights king Ghidorah, while she had teamed up with the first Ghidorah ( to me it's always the same monster, but some create a different character as "death Ghidorah" ). They have a couple good ideas in this trilogy, namely the super-Mothra, and the super-super Mothra in this last movie; giving Mosura more powers etc. Yet without adequate SFX (=budget) ideas get wasted. The miniature girls sing a lot & look increasingly like a rip off of say the queen child of the "Neverending story". A movie for children who won't be able to spot bad special effects. Still, low budget can't explain overall poor outcome. UK productions of the late 60-early 70's such as UFO & SPACE 1999 were notably low budget (Hollywood-wise), had poor SFX, yet managed to leave a mark because most plots were well constructed and acting was good: this is not the case.
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