Foolproof (2003)
would have been better if the director didn't foolproof it
8 January 2006
Sadly writer/director William Phillips must have felt the need to take the name of the film to heart in every literal way as the movie, about three friends who find themselves getting in over their heads after someone steals their bank heist plans, feels the need to hold the audiences hand every single step of the way, explaining everything that happens in the movie and thus dumbing it down exponentially. Foolproofing it as it were. Because of this the film feels a bit too long. Other than that and the fact that David Suchet took a role that seemed tailor made for Bob Hoskins, the film while never good in the conventional connotation of the word, is still serviceable enough for a rainy afternoon with nothing better to do. None of the actors (or actress) embarrasses themselves in the film (although Kristin comes VERY close), and the fun factor of it overcompensates for the convolutedness of it all.

My Grade: C+
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