Not to be confused with Butch and Sundance
9 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
George Eastman and Guiliano Gemma star as the titular Ben and Charlie, a pair of ne'e'r do wells in the Old West who get up to all sorts of trouble. This is a very amusing comic western that features solid production values and a good cast. Eastman is particularly good, but there are plenty of other reasons to watch this film, which is available on a wonderful NTSC DVD from Wild East. Eastman also co-wrote the film with Leone collaborator Sergio Donati, there's a wonderful whimsical score by genre vet Gianni Ferrio, and Aristide Massaccesi's widescreen photography is truly gorgeous, especially in exterior sequences. Anyone interested in the Eurowestern genre needs to see this film, but others will enjoy it, too. It's also probably the only western you'll ever see that features a sack race!
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