What a great movie and song!
30 December 2005
I give this movie 7 of 10 stars, but that is by standards today...in 2005. I saw this movie when I was a kid and it really impressed upon me that I could follow dreams and succeed...and I have. I am a straight heterosexual male, married and two children, but I still get choked up over the song.

Didi Conn is totally believable lip synching with the orchestra and she feels the song. I cannot even impress upon you the movement that this had in the movie...the turning point if you will...the ugly duckling bursting into a swan.

Here is what is baffling...why Debbie Boone? The original singer of the song was Casey Cisyk who also had a part in the movie (bridesmaid). Her voice seemed to PUNCH through more...she was Laurie's voice. To this day I cannot find the original voice recording by Casey and now that she has died of breast cancer...her best work lives on...on screen.

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