Tittybangbang (2005–2007)
Utter Bilge... even by BBC3's increasingly wretched standards.
31 December 2005

A new year and the promise of BBC3 shoving yet another over-hyped and under-written comedy down the nation's collective throats is already enough to make me seriously consider not making it to midnight.

If the utterly hateful trailer was not enough to make you despise this rubbish then I'm delighted to say that I'm sure the pilot will be more than adequate (though it's not really a pilot the series will be airing regardless of whether anyone watched the pilot).

This series manages to bring together much of what is wrong with British comedy today. It offers a subtle blend of unfunny catchphrases, unchallenging and dull 'adult' content (that TV producers seem to think is hilarious) and endless mugging to weak jokes and a script that could have stood to have been re-written seven or eight times and should probably still not have been made.

  • Lesbian Lion Tamers

  • Necrophilliac morticians

  • Exhibitionnist cleaners

Basically this is comedy that is all about marketing and viral spreading of catchphrases and ultimately not about good writing and good characters. In this respect it's quite typical of BBC3's output. Because the writers lack the skill required to put together a good line of comedy there's a tendency to systematically go for the shock... to reach for some sexual or "dark" angle that is essentially used to mask the inherently weak nature of the comedy. The problem is that A) this requires all the comedy skill of children shouting "Poopoo" and B) it doesn't fool anyone because it's not particularly shocking anyway because this tactic has been so over-used by weak comedy writers that it no longer has any effect.

Expect it to be hyped so heavily that it will become inescapable like Big Brother and Catherine Tate.

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