Bromwell High (2005– )
This show REALLY sucks
12 January 2006
This has to be the worst new show of the past few years. It actually makes Family Guy look funny.

Where's the wit? Where's the cleverness? Where are some friggin' DECENT JOKES!? Not in this piece of trash, thats for sure.

Ever since South Park first aired, hacks have been sticking their crappy cartoons on the T.V. and filling them with swears, because that makes them oh-so edgy. There is absolutely NOTHING witty or clever about this show, or at least nothing witty or clever that wasn't taken from an existing show and given a more unfunny twist to avoid accusations of blatant plagiarism.

It's comedic devices consist of one thing: Over-playing character's archetypes. The violent, crude and stupid girl did something violent, crude or stupid. The white trash slut did something whitey, trashy and slutty. The disgruntled teacher once again says that he hates his job. Hilarity ensues...

Unoriginal and Unfunny. Ditch this garbage.
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