Morgan the Pirate
15 January 2006
You have to give Steve Reeves agent (s) a lot of credit for morphing him into a great action film such as this one. After two hugely successful Hercules films, Reeves spun off his superman, supermusclebulger personna in a number of sword and sandal type films and other historical characters. One such was the role of Henry Morgan in the great pirate film, "Morgan the Pirate". Most of the Italian made "epics" of the late 50s and early 60s such as the never ending Hercules type films were that they were made on skimpy budgets with shapely, lovely starlets who would never make any Hollywood films. Some of Reeves love interests in those films were Mylene Demengeot, Valerie LaGrange, Chelo Alonso, Georgia Moll and Ombretta Colli....didn't think any of those names rang a bell with you. As Captain Morgan Reeves is a slave to be sold off at an auction in a Panama market, but the daughter of the governor (Valerie LaGrange) is smitten with him after witnessing a flogging and makes him her personal valet. Reeves mistakenly embraces her in a barn and is sent packing to a Spanish war galleon by the governor as a result - presumably never to be heard from again. After leading a slave revolt on a ship, Reeves takes over and forms his own pirate band with him becoming the captain. On a raid Reeves discovers the governor's daughter has been captured on another pirate raid and he is smitten with her and "wins" her in a battle with another pirate captain. As the story goes Reeves and his band sink Spanish ships, have endless fights with other pirates and Reeves becomes more and more powerful as the "scourge of the seven seas"...all along Reeves desires the love of his captive lady Lagrange, but she fends him off wanting to go back to Panama and her freedom. After being set free by Reeves (Capt Morgan) she realizes she truly loves him and longs to see him again. After a failed attempt to capture the city of Panama in a raid, it appears Morgan has drowned.....alas..Morgan is alive and then in another back entrance raid he and his pirate band capture the city and reunites with Lagrange. Reeves showed some true acting ability in this film, and it is considered by his fans as his very best movie. There is a great musical score in this film also. Gets you in the mood for action. I'd rate this film in a pirate league with "Captain Blood" and "The Black Swan".....two very formnable pirate tales. Reeves fans will love this movie.
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