A confusing release that adds nothing to the Street Fighter Universe.
7 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Rather than explain events in the previous release of Street Fighter Alpha, which in itself was a confusing mess, this release instead decides to look at the events prior to it.

With this you get a little more of Ryu's quest to avenge his deceased master by fighting the killer responsible and a rather basic look at how Gouki became the evil killer responsible... There's also a brief section that tries to explain where the evil came from in the first place, but this is nothing more than a voice over and some pointless ghosts and so it fails miserably

We then have a couple of added characters such as a lecherous old "master" (who supposedly takes Ryu on as an apprentice, but actually fails to teach him anything at all) and a couple of characters who were obviously added to please the fans, such as Ken and Sakura, who are there only to push the rather basic plot forward.

Even the animation is on the poor side. Certain fight sequences feature a kind of warped/distorted technique that was similar to Project IG's style on the animated section of Kill Bill... only no where near as effective. The rest is a rather substandard affair where characters look noticeably basic when in motion, then slightly more detailed when not requiring much animation.

I can't really comment too much on the soundtrack as I didn't pay much attention to it, but there is one scene that springs to mind at the very end that features a completely out of place drum and bass section... so had I paid more attention, the rest was probably just as bad.

Sadly, there's really not much I can recommend about this film... but at least it was only 45 minutes long.
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