Bollywood Fun
15 January 2006
Family is a hugely entertaining example of Bollywood's ability to extract ideas from American movies and turn them into something distinctly Indian. The film deftly extracts elements from American action blockbusters and expertly blends them with the comedy, romance and music usually associated with Bollywood.

The film follows the lives of two very different families and examines the tragic consequences that arise when they accidentally become intertwined. Despite the fact that the film involves murder, kidnapping and various other tragedies, it somehow manages to remain remarkably upbeat.

A real highlight of the film is the cast. I have always thought that Amitabh Bachchan vaguely resembles Al Pacino and as the cruel gangster Viren Sahi, he gets an opportunity to do his best Pacino impression. Mr Bachchan makes a pretty hilarious gangster, looking vaguely ridiculous with blond highlights in his hair and a collection of suits that Liberace would find vulgar. While he may not be particularly convincing during the action sequences, Amitabh Bachchan comes into his own during the more dramatic moments and proves yet again that he is the most entertaining actor working in India today.

The ubiquitous Ashkay Kumar plays Shekhar, Viren Sahi's polar opposite. If Amitabh Bachchan is the Indian Al Pacino, then Ashkay Kumar is the Bollywood version of David Hasselhoff - an all singing and dancing entertainment train wreck. The scene in which Ashkay performs a hip hop number (complete with bling diamanté sunglasses) on the top of a temple has to be seen to be believed. Aryeman debuts as Shekhar's brother, Aryan. It's good to see that nepotism is alive and well in India as Aryeman also happens to be the producer's son. Surprisingly, Aryeman is an unexpectedly good actor and manages to be convincing in the film's most demanding role.

In addition to fabulous musical segments, which take place everywhere from the above mentioned temple to a porn site in cyberspace, Family also contains several memorable fight sequences and a couple of well constructed car chases. A scene in which Aryan abseils down a skyscraper before swinging through a glass window would make Michael Bay green with envy.

Bollywood films are not for everyone, the mixing of genres can be disconcerting and the long running times may seem unnecessary. However, if you are the mood to try something different, Family is a good place for western viewers to start.
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