WWE Vengeance (2005 TV Special)
Overrated PPV
21 January 2006
1) Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin (for the Intercontinental title). Shelton is a great athlete, but Carlito still needs a lot of work. His cheating tactics slow down the pace of the match. Eddie (RIP) also used to cheat a lot, but Carlito is no Eddie (not yet, at least). **

2) Christy Hemme vs. Victoria. More of a catfight than an actual wrestling match. Pretty intense, but not very good. It's just not believable to have Christy throwing Victoria around, and even though she is supposed to be the "face" of the match she gets booed by the crowd. **

3) Kane vs. Edge. This match is 40% Lita and her barely-there outfit (she is in incredible shape here), 40% soap opera storyline, 10% power, 5% Snitsky and 5% wrestling. Only thing I liked (apart from Lita) was the ending. **

4) Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle. Unsurprisingly, the best match of the night. Not quite the "epic encounter" promised, but undeniably good. Angle is a phenomenal wrestler, HBK is not in the same league (who is?) but working with Angle brings out the best in him, too. After their first match in "Wrestlemania 21", the ending of this one is predictable, but it is also fair. ***

Just when I was thinking we would get through this PPV without any stupid "comic" relief, Lilian Garcia calls Viscera (who could use some diet) in the ring, sings a love song to him and asks him to marry her, but just when he's about to respond the Godfather (who could also use some diet) appears and tempts him with his girls, so the "500-pound love machine" turns poor Lilian down. A total waste of time.

5) Chris Jericho vs. John Cena vs. Christian. Triple-threat match for the WWE title. Begins poorly, more like a streetfight than a wrestling match, but picks up some steam as it progresses. Cena was still HUGELY popular with the crowds then. **

6) Batista vs. Triple H. Hell in a Cell match for the world heavyweight title. This is a matter of taste. If you consider blood, steel chairs, steel steps, sledgehammers, barbed wire, chains, punches and clotheslines synonymous with the word "wrestling", you'll love this one. I don't, though I do appreciate these men's willingness to put their bodies on the line. **

Overall an overrated PPV in my opinion, no bad matches (which is rare), but also no really great ones.
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