Dysfunctional movie without much to offer beyond the presence of Cyndi Lauper...
22 January 2006
Theatrically unreleased action-comedy with Cyndi Lauper playing an actress in Miami Beach who works as a cocktail bar mermaid (don't ask); she gets involved with racetrack low-life after a jockey she's been dating is murdered. Dysfunctional vehicle for the pop star, who's bid for an acting career never gained much momentum due in part to poor choices like this one. Some of the cinematography isn't bad (there's a terrific early shot of Lauper underwater in her mermaid costume); but, without a decent script, Andrzej Bartkowiak's work has nothing substantial to match up with. Supporting cast including David Keith, Johnny Pinto, David Thornton (who soon married Lauper in real-life), Jose Perez and Anita Morris isn't strong enough to help carry the load--and Lauper as an actress doesn't have the screen presence yet to bear the burden of a C-minus picture by herself. *1/2 from ****
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