Bumfights.....Huh?!?! "KidFights"!....
24 January 2006
....Is more like it! Bumfights : A Cause For Concern : Volume 1 is a hash of fights and street people being paid to perform stunts. The two main "stars" in the video is, Rufus and Donny. These two "bums" are often drunk (or on drugs) when performing there bits. The video also has a Happy Campers soundtrack, which, may I say, suits it. Anyway, I didn't know what to think of Bumfights at the start, to be truthful I sort of liked it. But now, I hear the producers have gone to even sicker lows in order to sell there videos. Oh yes, this time it is people even more venerable than homeless people it is the mentally ill. And that's just sick. After hearing that, my view on there videos hasn't been the same, now I don't really care for "Bumfights".

Back to the matter at hand, most of the fights in the video are not between the "bums"(So, Why call it "Bumfights"?), it is pre-recorded fights between, teenagers and young adults, whom, most of either can't fight or there fights are just staged. And yes, Angela Taylor does appear in the video, but not naked, just in a bit of a saucy manner. The "bumhunter" segments are funny at the start, but soon, they tend to get boring. And the same guy who played the "Bumhunter" at the start doesn't play him throughout. Some other guy also plays him, and he is even crappier than Todd at playing him. Other footage in the video includes more fights caught on camera, on the streets. Overall, the hype of Bumfights is overrated. I can't say I was shocked by it, Cause I wasn't. If you really want to see "Bumfights" I'd recommend get a lend of a mates, because simply it isn't worth $20 bucks. The most shocking release of "Bumfights" I have seen is a mondo-Shockumentary, Bumfights Presents: Terrorists, Killers & Middle East Wackos....but we will save that for another time. Overall, 4/10.

Not Rated: Strong Language and Violence. (18+)
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