Awfully dull
26 January 2006
This is the easiest to get of the Bowery Boys movies for two reasons its in the Public Domain and it has Bela Lugosi in it as a Nazi spy. Regrettably its a painful viewing experience and probably has turned more people off the the films of the Bowery Boys than any other.

The plot has the boys fixing up a house for the sister of Glimpy and her new husband. However next door is a living a nest of Nazi spies who want any and all neighbors driven out so they can carry out their plans unobserved. The film is the usual collection of haunted house clichés played for "laughs".

Its a dreadful thing. The pacing is snail like, the first half of the film is the wedding and its preparation with only a fleeting appearance of Lugosi. The second half is the boys trying to decorate the house and deal with the Nazi spies. Its a scatter shot affair of a badly written script being undone by a cast that seems to be sleep walking through their performances. Worse much of the film seems to have been shot not during an actual take but during a less serious rehearsal. Blame it on legendary director "One Shot" William Beaudine who made 300 films mostly by only shooting one take for each shot. This film will bore you to sleep.

Unless you have insomnia or a need to see ever Lugosi film ever made avoid this film.
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