Take a Chance (2006 Video)
This movie was great
28 January 2006
I saw this movie at the LDS Film Festival, I thought I was great, Kirby Heyborne and Corbin Allred, I think were the best people for the characters they played. It was funny, and also had a good moral, if you want something or love someone with all your heart, do what it takes. I cannot wait until it comes out on DVD on February 14th. Its about these two guys that go to Idaho in search of this guys sister, who they saw in a picture the brother showed them. They act like they are foreign exchange students from Hungary, and stay at her parents house and live with them. In one of the scenes, the parents think that "Gustav" (Corbin Allred) and "Gaysa" (Kirby Heyborne) are home sick, so the mom makes them a Hungarian Meal, that looks just awful, so "Gaysa" says he is sick to avoid eating it, while "Gustav" is left to eat the food to keep from revealing that they are not from Hungary.
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