Slipstream (2005)
Horribly made movie without the least bit of thoughtfulness or consistency
3 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe that anybody would rate this movie as even watchable, as I found it unbearably annoying and felt like jumping out a window 20 minutes in. It stars 2 actors whom I've thoroughly enjoyed in previous movies, Sean Astin (lotr fame, Rudy, Harrison Bergeron) and Vinnie Jones (of the guy Richie films lock stock and two smoking barrels and snatch), but they are put to utter waste. First and foremost the dialogue is horrendous. I found myself rolling my eyes at at every line coming out of more than a few characters, and the impossible stubbornness of a character towards certain situations was likable to them needing a person to fly by way of flapping their arms, and not taking no as an answer. The most idiotic and annoying aspect of the film is something that happens all throughout, making it consistently stupid. imagine a gunfight with 2 people standing 6 feet apart, firing away at each other in slow motion, and both missing. stupid right? imagine another 2 people to whom self-preservation is obviously #1, running out of a pair of doors, guns blazing into a sea of armed individuals, with big grins on their faces. All throughout this movie any scene in which a gun is fired is filmed in the stupidest most unrealistic way. everybody opens fire standing right out in the open with no cover, not flinching in the least as bullets fly by their heads. The most disturbing scene I found was one in which a group of 5 armed individuals are on a stationary bus in which they have taken many hostages, open up fire on the police, and the police return fire with no regard whatsoever for the hostages! Like I said, stupid movie, I feel stupider after watching it, and I would recommend it to nobody.
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