The Feminine Touch (1995 Video)
Who can you trust? You are NOT paranoid if someone is chasing you, and Jennifer Barron's life is definitely on the line in this taught political thriller
4 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Who can you trust? This film was a Deja-Vu Experience as it reflects the very real 'Big Brother' scenario we, as a Nation are currently experiencing. No one wants to believe that total corruption can ascend to the heights of the White House, but in this thrilling, character driven plot, what might appear to be fodder for a late night movie, is in fact a blueprint for our current political scene. Jennifer Barron, a strong willed survivor is thrust into a nightmarish scenario where she can trust no one, not even her own Country, and where rogue agencies of our Federal Government take the law into their own hands leaving victims, including her own lover, a duped Secret Service agent whose intentions are honorable but who discovers, too late, that he was but a pawn in an International Consortium which (like today's immoral allies and enemies) have but one destroy our Political system from within. Her lover, an unwitting assassin for this underground but unimaginably powerful organization is himself killed just before realizing that he too had become too hot to keep alive, and thus he is forced to leave Jenny a computer disk with all this information he has acquired with a code which is indecipherable to all but her, causing her to be pursued by this nebulous but deadly group with the intention of terminating her with prejudice. The human elements and character development of this original story, which doesn't take the normal path of Political thrillers or Horror films by having no motivation for the Protagonist's actions, is, instead, satisfyingly logical, and brings to the Screen a real heroine with brains, beauty and ethics many of our contemporary Politicos should aspire to imitate. This film was not predictable, except if one is a student of history, but rather a warning to ourselves to remain vigilant even while enjoying the wonderful and varied performances of this fast-paced, chilling and exciting film...George Segal and Elliott Gould portray the President and Vice President respectively, and give colorful, unique performances with a startling twist of "NOIR"...while the deceptively charming, erudite attorney 'Frank Donaldsonn' starring veteran actor Conrad Janis, reminds us that all who smile are not angels...his delusion leads us down a chillingly unexpected discovery that turns the movie around, while Paige Turco, as Jennifer Barron is both beautiful, sage, and a woman of action, and Dirk Benedict, her lover, is suave, dedicated to his cause, and with yet another non conventional twist---dead too soon. A very special performance in the role of Jenny's next door neighbor (Maria De la Luz Schultz) played by Maria Grimm adds humor, and pathos when she too becomes a victim to those chasing and destroying all of Jenny's support system, in an effort to recover the compromising DISK, leaving her alone against the odds, a maverick bent on saving the future President and our Country's ideals. Bravo
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