Interesting Sundance film is conversation starter
30 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at Sundance, and it probably wouldn't have ranked a 6 without the Director/Writer Q&A afterward. This is an interesting film about a couple who embark on a relationship after a successful blind date. We watch the progression of the relationship for about three years, but since this is compressed into two hours, it feels a little choppy. Each character is portrayed with good and bad, so there isn't necessarily a bad guy when things go wrong for this couple. However, I never felt that I quite cared about either of them as much as I would have liked. I think there just wasn't enough time to develop the characters sufficiently. I particularly enjoyed the characters of Nicole's sister and her best friend. They were honest and surprising and helped me to understand Nicole.

The Director said that he hoped the film would appeal to the audience's experiences in relationships, and I think it does that. Look for the common struggles of partners integrating each other enter their lives as well as the challenge of being integrated. Also watch for the selfishness of both characters. As the film ended, I found myself asking "is that it?" You get to draw your own conclusions about what ultimately happens to these two characters, but the Director made a point to note the reconciliation between Stuart and his father that might not have been possible without the relationship.

I think the film is worth seeing, not necessarily for the entertainment, but more for the conversation you will have afterward with whoever sees it with you.
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