American Playhouse: Charley's Aunt (1987)
Season 6, Episode 7
Where in the World is "Charley's Aunt"???
31 January 2006
A truly hysterical taping of an excellent production of this play starring Charles Grodin at heights of manic brilliance! This was shown on Showtime in the mid-to-late 80s and has unfortunately (and for reasons I can't begin to imagine) never emerged on tape or DVD to be included among Grodin's wonderful menagerie of characters. Sadly, I had taped it and made the mistake of loaning to someone who turned out to be less than trustworthy, after which I never saw it again! Hopefully, this gut-busting comedy will eventually be released so that the rest of the world can enjoy this marvelous and extremely funny production of this rip-roaring farce!
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