Heartbreak Tour (2005 TV Movie)
The joys and pitfalls of being in love come together in this film.
1 February 2006
It's not surprising that a number of Australia's top actors wanted to be a part of this film project, "The Heartbreak Tour" made me laugh and cry, with great performances all round bringing new dimensions to a good script. Toby Schmitz and Anthony Hayes are especially convincing in their antagonism towards each other, which provides a lot of the comedy, and Caroline Craig gives a lovely performance, dealing with more heart-wrenching material. The film also looks great. Shot on HD at night it looks like 35mm. I especially like the slow- moving shot from above looking down on the car and its occupants, and the various tracking/ crane shots that take us to a new location or time (like when Jack moves into her pretend solar system). The camera is used really well to tell the story. 50 minutes is an odd length for a film, this will probably be quite hard to market as it doesn't fit into any particular categories. But, nonetheless, it's highly recommended. I hope to see more Aussie films like this one!
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