Zombiegeddon (2003 Video)
Weird *&% movie
7 February 2006
I got a screener of this film a couple of weeks ago. Before I watched it I checked out this site and instantly began to dread watching it. I finally gave up last night and threw it in. What were these other reviewers watching? Is it the same film? One mentions he thought the movie, called ZOMBIEGEDDON for Christ's sake, might be a film festival flick. I'm wondering now if this person needed glasses to read the title. Do movies with cheesy titles usually go to film festivals? If so, which one so I can go! Then there's one saying that they weren't warned like they are with a John Waters film...um, did you see the warning at the beginning of the film? Or listen to Uwe Boll in the opening? It makes me think some of these reviews are fake. One of the best zombie movies? Nooo, not even the positive ones seem like they've seen it. What you do get here is a real weird ass zombie film, if you can even call it a zombie film. After the warnings on how bad it is from Uwe Boll and retard doctors (I'm serious) you get Brinke Stevens humping Tom Savini. You get in on the tail end of the sex and then some brief nudity and a few cute one liners from Savini. Then Savini is gone. Perhaps my biggest beef with the film is the in and out cameos. The people I want to see more of only have brief scenes and then there's those that annoy me to no end that we have to see for the whole film. I suppose that's how you get a great crap cast though...After the sex, Brinke goes to her job at the radio station and is provoked into telling how all of mankind will be dead in so many hours. The movie then goes into all these different and sometimes intersecting stories that add up to a bunch of Z grade actors getting killed by zombies. I have to admit it and definitely hate to, but I kind of liked this film. It's guaranteed to get trashed, as it is on this site but there's something offbeat and weird about this film that makes me love it. Maybe it's the cameos from people I love or the pure ballsiness to seemingly not care what people are going to think of the film, like when they gave it such a cheeseball title (probably not expecting people to confuse it with art-house fare like one reviewer did). I found myself smiling through most of the film. That doesn't happen very often. I laughed out loud two or three times and a few more times at the horrible delivery of some of the actors but I'd be shocked if 80's B movie fans didn't enjoy this film if they're willing to accept it for what it is. It's a movie that obviously had no budget, hopefully made by young people. If it's by young people then this movie is OK. If the makers of this film have been around for a while you should probably stop. What sold me on the movie is just the weirdness of it. I really don't have any other way to put it. The actors are crap, the movie looks like good digital, there's nothing special about the way it's filmed or edited, the make up is probably good for no budget but not for something with a budget so all this movie ends up having going for it is it's weirdness. Luckily, it's one weird arse movie.
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