A Sporting Chance (I) (1919)
Plot Twists Aplenty
9 February 2006
A rich young man checks into a hotel room to commit suicide, when his design is thwarted by blackmail and murder in the room opposite his -- elaborately staged for his benefit. Why does he wish to kill himself? Is the confidence game being run on him as simple as it seems? Don't make your mind up too soon.

Scriptwriter Jules Furthman -- the favorite screenwriter, in coming days, of Josef von Sternberg and Howard Hawks -- and director Henry King -- two years before his classic TOL'ABLE David -- concocted an entertaining journeyman work for the William Russell unit of Flying A -- one of companies releasing through Mutual in this period. By the standards of the period, this was a superior programmer, perhaps a touch overlong, but still well worth your time if you get a chance to see it.
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