Bone Daddy (1998)
Boner of a flick
11 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
BONE DADDY came after SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and SEVEN and before THE BONE COLLECTOR, but manages to echo all of those films. This STV is clearly a Rutger Hauer vehicle, with a mustachioed Hauer playing a retired Chicago ME whose best-selling book about a particularly brutal serial killer apparently has stirred the killer to return from the ashes and start all over again. Slow-moving a lot of the time, BONE DADDY at least delivers the goods when it comes to gore. So much so that I would advise those squeamish about morgue scenes and mutilated bodies and sharp instruments like scalpels to steer clear. The killer's identity is not hard to guess, and in fact parallels the identity of the killer in THE BONE COLLECTOR. For those who have seen the latter, you'll understand my meaning. In the end, BONE DADDY is not recommended. The title is far more clever than the flick, which teeters on the deadly dull side most of the time.
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